Katie Mumby, Flora Horticulture and Garden Design
0403 539 583 katie.florahorticulture@gmail.com
North shore and North-west
Garden consultations and garden designs
Robbie Renu, Gecko Plantscapes
0412 131 362 geckoplantscapes@gmail.com
Inner west, North shore, Hills district, Central coast
Garden consultations, qualified horticulturist, soft landscaping, irrigation, plants supply, green roofs, green walls, native gardens
Robert Lark, Central Oak Gardens
0413 052 377 robertlark@centraloak.com.au
North shore, Eastern suburbs, inner west, northern beaches
Garden maintenance, precision hedging, garden installations, preparation for special events
Kieren Fitzpatrick, Plant Protocol
0450 216 772 kieren@plantprotocol.com.au
North shore
Qualified horticulturist, garden maintenance, lawns, soft landscaping, eco-friendly landscapes
Andi Mazzolani, Gardenwise
0422 141030 gardenwise.landscaping@bigpond.com
North shore
Qualified horticulturist, garden maintenance, soft landscaping